Happy new year, and in fact happy new decade folks and welcome to 2010.

It seems somehow fitting that we wave goodbye to the International Year of Astronomy with not just a full moon but a blue moon, and a partial lunar eclipse to boot. You'll have to wait till 2028 for another one so if you're out celebrating tonight, take a moment to look up and enjoy the show.

I have a few anniversaries this year but one in particular is relevant to tonight. it was back on the 1st of January 2000 that I dipped a tentative toe in the waters of web logging . These days I use crashposition.com as a portfolio but back in y2k it started with my first ever blog post. Some of those early posts are pretty funny (and quite a few are angry!) but most of all they make me nostalgic for an innocent and magical time.

One tradition I started with that site was to produce a set of monthly desktop wallpaper calendars. Ten years on I'm still making them but have decided this year to start hosting them from here. This years photographs were taken on the south coast in Brighton and Worthing - watch out for the link in a follow up post.

Slainte, have a great new year, and 2010 here we come!